Helen supports the Primary phase and Jenny supports the Secondary pupil phase.
What do we do?
We support pupils within classes and/or on a one to one basis with the aim of improving communication skills. We also provide help, guidance and support to class teams with response to any concerns they may have regarding a pupils difficulties. Any issues or concerns raised by staff or parents of the pupils will be brought to the Communication Forum meetings that are held half termly at the school. The meetings are attended by a Speech and Language Therapist, Tracey McGuirk (Total Communication Manager) and the Communication Support Assistants (Jennifer and Helen). We provide feedback to class staff and/or parents concerning the outcomes of the forum meetings.
How do I refer my child to Communication Support/Speech and Language Therapy?
The easiest way is to write any concerns you may have regarding your child’s communication difficulties in the home school diary. You are also able to voice any concerns you may have during parent’s evening or during your child’s annual review. Your child’s teacher will be able to help you by filling in a referral form highlighting your issues. These issues will be discussed at the communication forum and decision will be made regarding what intervention is best at this time. Feedback from the forum will then be given via the home school diary or via a telephone call.